Ayurveda et Yoga
27, 28 et 29 septembre 2024
Justin Robertshaw
Justin a étudié et pratiqué le Yoga avec Matthew Sweeney et parallèlement s’est spécialisé dans l’Ayurveda.
Nous avons déjà organisé un stage ensemble en Inde il y a quelques années. Justin intervient dans la formation de professeurs de Yoga niveau 2 et donne également un workshop sur l’Ayurveda et le Yoga au mois de septembre prochain. Les spécialistes capables d’allier à la fois la connaissance de l’ayurveda et la pratique du yoga sont rares : je vous recommande vivement de suivre les sessions de Justin. Le yoga et l’ayurveda combinés mènent à une meilleure connaissance de soi, une pratique de yoga plus adaptée et un mode de vie équilibré.
Vendredi 27 septembre de 18h30 à 20h30
Tarif : 45 euros, Présentiel et Zoom
Inscription : renan@osmose-yoga-paris.com
120 min Ayurveda slide show presentation, including 30m Q&A
Theme – “Discover, Understand and Apply Ayurveda – translating ancient knowledge into a modern world”
Some of what we’ll include;
- More generic and bringing the subject/ knowledge ‘off the page » in a simple and relatable way into our lives.
- A focus on understanding the characteristics of what we are dealing with, (our mental and physical constitutions) before introducing any change, (Lifestyle and diet)
- How to take Ayurveda from intellect through practical experience into self knowledge
- How to recognize and understand the 3 Dosha of Vata, Pitta and Kapha that make up our unique Ayurvedic mental and physical constitutions
- How to begin integrating Ayurveda simply and practically. (Not just the “What” but the “when” and “how”) based on how we live in a modern era
- What are the most beneficial types of lifestyles and diets for each mental and physical constitutional types, (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and why.
- How the sister sciences of Yoga, (spiritual side of Ayurveda) and Ayurveda, (healing side of Yoga) interweave and provide tools for a holistic way of living
- How Ayurveda can deepen an existing yoga practice
- How Ayurvedic knowledge can help our relationships with others.
Samedi 28 septembre de 15h à 17h
Tarif : 45 euros, Présentiel et Zoom
Inscription : renan@osmose-yoga-paris.com
120m Presentation/ workshop
Theme – « How to integrate Ayurveda into your yoga practice« ,
- More generic, based on each dosha of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, rather than specific to an individual’s unique circumstance, (This is covered more in Individual consultations that are offered separately – see “4” below)
- Considering Prakriti, (Who we are) and Vikriti, (How we are/current situation
- Covers what asanas and how practiced, based on experience/ level of practice + devotion, are better to balance individual Doshas, (Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
- Considering the “What”, « How »& « When » we practice so that participants can work more specifically with their Doshas within any asana practice, (led or self practice) and understand how to refine and balance their individual practice over time with more applied Ayurvedic understanding.
- How to work with breath more consciously, based on Ayurvedic constitutions, (Prakriti) and any current imbalances, (Vikriti)
- Includes some short theory exercise for participants with discussion and Q&A
Dimanche 29 septembre de 10h30 à 12h30
Tarif : 45 euros, Présentiel et Zoom
Inscription : renan@osmose-yoga-paris.com
120m Workshop,
Guided Ayurvedic constitution, (Prakriti) self assessment
- A group guided self assessment that will enable participants to discover and understand more their Ayurvedic, (Mental and Physical) constitution type.
- Lifestyle and Dietary considerations for the different constitutional types, (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and why
- Group theory exercises and discussions with q&a around the right lifestyle and diets are for each constitution & why
After the workshop weekend- via Zoom
- Individual Ayurveda consultations with Justin, (more specific and individual Lifestyle and dietary guidance) offered at 20% discount for workshop participants
providing 6/7 specific Lifestyle and Dietary introductions, based on clients Prakriti and Vikriti, that could be introduced over the following 1 month, that would have the biggest positive impacts in their life.
- Simple and practical changes/ introductions considering how the individual is living their life, and taking into consideration their personal living/ life circumstances.
- Includes free follow up Zoom/ WhatsApp call after 1 month to support and help direct changes
- Further details on what’s included within these consultations can be found at https://www.justinrobertshaw.com/ayurveda-consultations
- @ 75 mins per consult with free 30m follow up after 1 month for € 68
About the teacher
Justin Robertshaw is a certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, RYT 500 Yoga teacher, with 20 years of practice and a Permaculture Design Consultant.
He facilitates Ayurveda on retreats and yoga teacher trainings and offers talks, workshops, private consultations, and mentoring internationally.
Justin believes passionately in the benefits of Ayurveda, especially when combined with Yoga and integrated into our lives. His aim is to help people grow beyond an intellectual understanding and find themselves within each framework, so they can more deeply connect with who they are and flow in a way that’s true to them.
By combining the wisdom of Ayurveda, Permaculture and Yogic knowledge, along with transformational life coaching, Justin connects people with practical solutions, based on who they are and their current life circumstances. His mission is to help people design a more positive and authentic life path, so they can live in a more inspiring and sustainable way »